Have A Safe & Fun Halloween!
Trick-or-Treating Tips •Plan your route ahead of time.
•Trick or treat in familiar neighborhoods.
•Carry a flashlight with fresh batteries after dark.
•Always trick or treat in groups, accompanied by an adult.
•Stay on the sidewalks and out of the streets. Cross only at intersections and designated crosswalks.
•Walk. No running.
•Don't trample through flower beds and gardens.
•Watch out for open flames in jack-o-Lanterns.
•Walk with your head up and be aware of your surroundings.
•Only visit well lit houses. Don't stop at dark houses.
•Don't enter any houses unless you know the people.
•Carry a spare Halloween bag, in case yours breaks or you fill your original one.
•Follow traffic signals and don't jaywalk.
•Always watch for cars backing up or turning.
•Respect other people and their property.
•Be polite and say "thank you."
Visit http://www.halloween-website.com/safety.htm for more safety Tips for Halloween!